March 2022

microTERRA Investors,

Closing Q1 with much exciting news.

We have the full green lemna production cycle (from cultivation to packaging!). It felt so good to be back in the physical world, take a break from virtual conferences, and reconnect with both our industries at the World Agri-Tech and Future of Food. We (re)connected with investors, future clients, and fellow entrepreneurs, and attended many state-of-the-art tech conferences.

There is no doubt, that we are experiencing the plant-based movement, what a great time to be an ingredient company!

One of our new delicious lemna-based plates

One of our new delicious lemna-based plates

🚀 Highlights

After completing the theoretical market study, focusing on expanding our users to address hydroponic greenhouses’ runoff and biodigesters effluents. We decided to move to the next stage of assessment. For this, we have put together a tiny team, the most flexible and rapid executors in our team, to complete a proof-of-concept sprint on this user opportunity.

We are focused on answering key questions that will validate the opportunity or help us assess the limitations soon enough, from a market/user perspective, testing the desirability,  and from a technical feasibility perspective. More updates are soon to come.

💬 Asks